William Marion Moon - Dallas Pioneer

William Marion Moon, familiarly known as Marion Moon, was born near Independence, Missouri, March 18, 1830 where he worked on a farm until 1853 when he came to Dallas at the age of twenty three. He initially clerked in the store of Gold and Donaldson for two years, then opened up a blacksmith shop, which he conducted until the beginning of the civil war.
Brother Moon served as City Marshall of Dallas from April 1858 to August 1860, and served as alderman of the city from August 1860 to August 1861.
He enlisted in Company H, Texas Cavalry, and served four years, participation in numerous battles. He was wounded three times and taken prisoner just before the fall of Atlanta. He remained imprisoned from September 1864 to July 1865. He then returned to Dallas and clerked in J.C. McConnell's store until 1878 when he was elected sheriff of Dallas County where he served for four years. He later served as deputy sheriff under W.H. W. Smith and W.H. Lewis.
Brother Moon was initiated in Tannehill Masonic Lodge No. 52 on September 9, 1855, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on November 24, 1855, and was raised a Master Mason on November 30, 1855. In 1874 he was a Charter member of Dallas Masonic Lodge No. 412 which is now demised. In 1882 business took him to La Salle county, TX. While he was there he became a Charter Member of La Salle Masonic Lodge No. 572 and served as their Master in 1884. Brother Moon served as Master of Tannehill lodge from 1886-1887.
Brother Moon passed away March 16, 1895 and was buried with Masonic Honors in the Tannehill Lodge Cemetery (Pioneer Cemetery).

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