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The Inaugural Wilkins F. Tannehill Award

Over the last two years, the Brothers of Tannehill Masonic Lodge have developed an award to present annually to one of our members. It bears the moniker of our namesake Wilkins F. Tannehill. The award is for an outstanding member of the Lodge who best displays the dedication and service exhibited by Brother Tannehill to Freemasonry.

Wilkins F. Tannehill served as the Grand Master of Masons of the State of Tennessee in 1817, 1818, 1820, 1821, 1824, 1841, and 1842 (Note Brother Andrew Jackson served in this office in 1822 and 1823. He wrote a manual for the Lodge that is still in use today. According to the Grand Lodge of Tennessee's website, Wilkins F. Tannehill is "the greatest Mason Tennessee has ever produced."

It is no surprise that the men settled and founded Dallas started by forming a Masonic Lodge named for this great man and Mason. His dutiful service to Freemasonry and his community have inspired this award.

It was the privilege of the lodge to award the inaugural medal to our current Master, Joe Hocker. Brother Hocker has served Masonry and his community throughout his life. He has served the Grand Lodge of Texas as a District Deputy Grand Master and has served as Master of multiple lodges on three occasions. He is a 50 year member and continues to dedicate his time and skills to promote Masonry and help his community. The members of Tannehill Masonic Lodge know that the spirit of their namesake lives on in Brothers like Joe Hocker.

Congratulations Brother Hocker.

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