3 Historic Lodges Make History Again

At the November Stated Meeting of Tannehill Lodge No. 52, the Brothers unanimously voted to accept a proposal to consolidate with Pentagon-Highland Park Lodge No. 1080. This was subsequently approved by Grand Master of Masons in Texas G. Clay Smith, and the two lodges officially became one on November 13, 2023.
In 2021, Pentagon Lodge No. 1080 and Highland Park Lodge No. 1150 consolidated to become Pentagon-Highland Park Lodge No. 1080.

While these three Masonic Lodges hold their own unique and storied histories, the Brothers deemed it in the best interest of our members and Freemasonry in North Texas to consolidate our physical and financial resources. This combination of efforts will allow us to devote resources to properly celebrating and highlighting the history of our lodges. This also provides our members a greater opportunity to improve our lodge and make a bigger impact on the community around us. This is an exciting time in the history of Freemasonry in Dallas, and we're looking forward to continuing the legacy of the many Brothers who laid the foundations of the lodge we are today.
If you are a Freemason in North Texas, or are visiting Dallas, feel free to visit us and feel the spirit of Brotherhood that permeates our lodge.
If you are not a Freemason and would like to learn more about what it takes to become a Freemason, please click the contact button below, complete the form, and someone from the Lodge will be in contact with you.